Unless stated otherwise copyright material on this Governor-General/Government House website is protected by copyright owned by Government House, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet on behalf of the Crown.
Unless stated otherwise the photographic images on this website are in the public domain, with no rights reserved by Government House, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. There are some exceptions set out below.
You will see five copyright and licensing statements used for material on this website.
© Crown Copyright, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- Used for all documents and text on this website, and for a small number of photographic images.
- This copyright material is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.
- In essence, you are free to copy, distribute and adapt the material, as long as you attribute it to Government House, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and abide by the other licence terms.
- See the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence terms.
- For photographic images there may be an accompanying credit for the photographer who, although not the copyright owner, still has a moral right to be identified as the photographer.
© Crown Copyright, Permission for Re-use Required
- Applies to selected official portrait photographs commissioned by Government House.
- Copyright on these official portrait photographs is held by Government House, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. You must not reuse any official portrait photographic images without express permission from Government House.
- For some photographic images there may be an accompanying credit for the photographer who, although not the copyright owner, still has a moral right to be identified as the photographer.
- Applies to any logos, emblems and trade-marks on the website and to the website's design elements. Those specific items may not be re-used without express permission.
- You may not use any Royal, vice-regal, Crown, departmental or governmental emblem, logo or coat of arms in any way which infringes any provision of the Flags, Emblems and Names Protection Act 1981 or would infringe such a provision if the relevant use occurred within New Zealand.
- See Flags, Emblems and Names Protection Act 1981.
Terms of Use Apply, Photograph by Millie Pilkington
- Applies to the official portrait photographs of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla supplied by the Royal Household.
- The photographs may be downloaded free of charge for non-commercial use by New Zealand government agencies, the public or the media for editorial use in the Commonwealth Realms, provided that each publication is accompanied by the credit: Photograph by Millie Pilkington 2024.
- Copyright on these official portraits is jointly held by the Royal Household and Millie Pilkington.
No Rights Reserved (CC0)
- Used for almost all photographic images in image galleries.
- Government House is dedicating these images to the public domain.
- You are free to download and distribute these images and do not need to seek permission from Government House to re-use or distribute them, even for commercial purposes.
- We encourage you, but do not require you to attribute them to Government House, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet if you are distributing or reproducing them commercially.
- See the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 license terms.
Copyright Held by Non-Crown Party
- Applies to material published on this website with the permission of a third party that is not part of the Crown in the Realm of New Zealand.
- Applies to material supplied by government agencies or the military from Commonwealth realms and territories other than New Zealand.
- For many photographic images this statement is accompanied by a credit identifying the copyright owner. Eg © Electoral Commission, or © Australian Defence Force, or © Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
- You must seek permission from the copyright owner before reusing any of these images. Government House does not have authority to provide this permission.
- For convenience and informational purposes only, this website provides links to other websites. These other websites may contain information that is the copyright of third parties and subject to restrictions on re-use.
- Permission to use copyrighted materials from other websites must be obtained from the copyright owner, and cannot be obtained from Government House.
Requests and enquiries
- Requests and enquiries concerning the reproduction of information on this website for any purpose other than personal or in-house use should be directed to Team Leader, Engagement and Communications at Government House via email.
- Reminder: No permission is required for No Rights Reserved (CC 0) photographic images.