Mrs Heniaka August, of Porirua, QSM for services to Māori and the community
Heniaka August (Ngāti Kahungungu Ki Te Wairoa, Rongomaiwahine) is the Coordinator for the Ngāti Toa Māori Wardens in Porirua. She has coordinated the Wardens on several major events, supporting the Royal New Zealand Police College with events including tangi, Remembrance Days, Police Recruit Graduations and Open Days. She has helped patrol the Titahi Bay Beach Festival, CreekFest and Māori Language Week Parades, as well as Police-led operations. She provides advice to Police recruits on working with Māori youth and performs the kaikaranga during pōwhiri. Mrs August is a mentor for the Porirua Pacific Community Patrollers.