Doreen Erueti, New Plymouth, QSM
For services to Māori. Mrs Erueti is a kuia to the Taranaki region and has made a significant contribution to her community through many years of involvement with the Māori Women’s Welfare League. She is a life member of the Ngā Wahine o Moturoa branch of the League, through which she has supported many Māori families. She was instrumental in the establishment of Te Kōhanga Reo in her region and is the remaining foundation member of North Taranaki Te Kohanga Reo Trust, the New Plymouth Te Kōhanga Reo and Te Pirianga Te Kōhanga Reo. She is a kuia on the Pukeariki Kaumatua Kaunihera and Ngā Mahanga a Taire Kaumātua. She has been the kuia to the New Plymouth District Council and has been involved with many New Plymouth community organisations.