John Pettit, Auckland, QSM
For services to the community. Mr Pettit has been a member of the Otahuhu Rotary Club for 48 years, was Chairperson of the South Auckland IHC Adult Centre, Deputy Chair of the Spectrum Trust, a Director of Watercare Services, a member of the Otahuhu Business Association, and President of the Palm and Cycad Society of New Zealand. He was a member of the Auckland Regional Council, from 1986 to 1992, during which time he was Chairperson of the Regional Parks Committee. He financed early expeditions by Kelly Tarlton and others to salvage bullion from the wreck of the Elingamite, and is the author of Treasure Below. As a director of the Spectrum Care Trust, he was involved in moving intellectually disabled children from Mangere Hospital and into community homes.