Rore Stafford, of Otorohanga, ONZM, for services to Maori
Rore Stafford co-lodged the Wai 56 Claim on behalf of descendants of the Māori customary owners of the Nelson Tenths’ Lands and Occupation Lands in Nelson, Motueka and Golden Bay, and has led the team dedicated to seeking restitution for 31 years. He is a member of the Board of Wakatū Inc. and a key driver of Wakatū’s commercial businesses. He played a central role in establishing and has led the Manaaki sector within Wakatū, which is responsible for all scholarship and alumni programmes. He is Chairman of Kaputuhi Marae and the Maniapoto Marae PACT Trust. He worked on land reforms that directly impacted on the Māori Reserved Lands Amendment Act 1997. Mr Stafford has been Deputy Chair of the Maniapoto Trust Board and a Trustee of Pukepoto Farm Trust.