The Reverend John Marsden, of Leigh, CNZM for services to Māori and the community
The Reverend John Marsden was General Manager of the Iwi-led primary health provider Te Haa Oranga o Ngati Whatua and General Manager of Te Puna Hauora o Te Raki Paewhenua. He is Kaumatua for North Shore Hospice. He has maintained a cultural advisory role with several retirement homes and provided his services as a Kaumatua to local kohanga reo and the New Zealand Police. He has been a cultural advisor for the Department of Corrections. He is a member of a number of Boards, including ProCare, Equip Mental Health, Connect Mental Health, and Te Puna Whanau Ora Network Alliance. Reverend Marsden is a Trustee of Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua and was involved with Treaty claims for the Iwi, as well as the acquisition of commercial enterprises for the Runanga.