Mr David Matthews, of Christchurch, QSO, for services to people with disabilities
David Matthews held senior management roles with Special Education Services before joining CCS Disability Action, where he served 10 years as Chief Executive. He oversaw initiatives such as the ‘Karanga Maha – Many Voices’ marae-based support programme for Māori disabled people, which began in Northland and was taken up by other CCS branches nationally. He oversaw the development of intensive wrap-around services for disabled children with complex needs across New Zealand. As CCS Regional Manager for South Island, he focused on new technologies, access and advocacy. He was involved with many influential working groups, supported CCS Canterbury following the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and deferred his retirement to ensure continuity and leadership during the 2020 COVID-19 response. Mr Matthews has been actively involved with the International Initiative for Disability Leadership.