Ms Yvette Couch-Lewis, MNZM, of Lyttelton, for services to conservation and Māori
Yvette Couch-Lewis led production of the Lyttleton/Whakaraupō Whaka Ora Healthy Harbour Catchment Management Plan and chairs its Governance Board.
She is involved with Department of Conservation governance groups for Kākāriki karaka/orange-fronted parakeet and Hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin.
She was a member of the Waste Advisory Board and was appointed as Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki for Mataitia by the Ministry for Primary Industries.
She now holds a ‘‘Tumu Taiao" role, aimed at supporting better Council decision-making outcomes for mana whenua and for Environment Canterbury.
She is a Ngāi Tahu representative on the Te Waihora Co-Governance Group. Ms Couch-Lewis has led riparian planting projects including the Omaru Stream project at Whakaraupō.