Miss Fiona Riddell, ONZM, of Auckland, for services to cardiac physiology
Fiona Riddell has been the Charge Cardiac Physiologist at Auckland City Hospital since 1986 and is Chairperson of the New Zealand Society of Cardiopulmonary Technology.
She was inaugural Chairperson of the Cardiopulmonary Registration Board, then chaired the replacement Clinical Physiologists Registration Board.
She has been instrumental in developing a national training framework and registration for the profession.
She has contributed to pacemaker and implantable defibrillator research at Greenlane and Auckland Hospitals and was a member of the international team developing the subcutaneous defibrillator.
Her efforts have allowed comparable services to be established at North Shore and Northland Hospitals.
Miss Riddell has established pacemaker services in the Pacific Islands, making 20 trips on a voluntary basis to Fiji and nine trips in a specialist capacity to Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu.