Dame Susan Glazebrook and Mr Les Lehi Tenise Atoni, of Porirua, MNZMfor services to the Tokelau community
Les Lehi Tenise Atoni is President of the Atafu Tokelau Community. He led the development of their first organisational strategic plan, ‘Te Kanava’, through which they developed a Tokelau Language application, hosted meetings with the Administrator of Tokelau on supporting developments in Tokelau, hosted community engagements in partnership with government organisations, and successfully campaigned for government support to develop Gagana Tokelau and Vagahau Niue languages as NCEA subjects. Mr Atoni is the Co-Project Leader for the Tokelau Kaiga Wellbeing Strategic Plan; a founding member of the Tokelau Wellington Leadership Group, who introduced the Tokelau Language Week events; and part of the Tokelau Governance Group.