Mr Hemi Ngarewa, of Patea, QSM, for services to the community and education
Matua Hemi Ngarewa (Ngāti Ruanui, Nga Ruahine, Nga Rauru, Pakakohe, Tangahoe) is Educational Grants officer for Te Runanga o Ngati Ruanui Trust. At Patea Primary School, he has been Chair of the Board, a teacher, Head of the Department of Māori studies, and Careers Officer. He chairs the Trustees of Pariroa Pa and is an iwi liaison officer for Taranaki Police. He is a member of the Executive of the South Taranaki Justice of the Peace Association and has assisted members of the judiciary at Hawera District Court. Mr Ngarewa is a lay minister for the Patea Māori Methodist Church.