Reverend Tom Poata, of Rotorua, MNZM for services to Māori and the community
Reverend Tom Poata (Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahu) is Vicar of St Faith’s Anglican Church and has provided chaplaincy services to iwi, state and religious organisations. He liaises with Police and other organisations working with iwi, due to his knowledge of Te Reo Māori, tikanga and Māori protocols. He was Māori Chaplain at Waikato Hospital and an informal associate Chaplain at Rotorua Hospital. He serves as Padre for the Rotorua Returned and Services Association and Te Arawa Māori Returned and Services League. He has officiated at ANZAC memorial services, Māori Battalion gatherings, and other occasions. Reverend Poata is a member of various lwi/Whānau-based trusts and organisations.