Your search found 19636 results
Hon Meka Whaitiri
WellingtonDr Shane Reti
WellingtonDame Cindy gives an address
WellingtonBernadette Cavanagh speaks
WellingtonThe karanga onto the War Memorial
WellingtonMeeting Chief of Navy, RA David Proctor
WellingtonDame Cindy signing the visitor's book
WellingtonDame Cindy Kiro and Dr Richard Davies
WellingtonDame Cindy arrives at Pukeahu
WellingtonDame Cindy with her kuia and kaumātua
WellingtonWith the Chief Justice
WellingtonWith the Official Party
WellingtonA view from the top
WellingtonAfter signing the Oath
WellingtonDame Cindy arrives at Parliament
WellingtonThe GNZM and QSO
WellingtonDr Davies speaking to Her Majesty
WellingtonDame Cindy introduces Dr Richard Davies
WellingtonDame Cindy on the call with Her Majesty
WellingtonDame Cindy greets Her Majesty
WellingtonA colour version of the Coat of Arms
WellingtonDame Patsy and Sir Richard Taylor