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Dame Cindy and Ronan McNeill
WellingtonDame Cindy and Meredith Ross-James
WellingtonDame Cindy and Alex Ramsay
WellingtonDame Cindy and Aidan Lynch
WellingtonDame Cindy and Violette Perry
WellingtonDame Cindy addressing the parade grounds
CanterburyDame Cindy planting a kahikatea tree
CanterburyDame Cindy addressing the guests
CanterburyDame Sue Bagshaw addressing the guests
CanterburyInside the chapel at Whakamaru
WellingtonDame Cindy and Rev Murray Edridge
WellingtonHer Worship the Mayor, Tory Whanau
WellingtonHon Nicola Willis
WellingtonAttending the flag raising ceremony