Your search found 1379 results
Dame Patsy and finalists
WellingtonDame Patsy and Marco de Jong
WellingtonDame Patsy with Jamie Beaton
WellingtonDame Patsy congratulating Jean Balchin
WellingtonClarke Truscott, Scouts New Zealand
WellingtonCabinet Secretary Mr Michael Webster
WellingtonClare Curran swears her oath
Wellington"Congratulations, Ms Ardern"
WellingtonGuests at the reception
WellingtonWhetu Fala and Honiana Love
WaikatoElaine and Brian Fox
WellingtonShelly Monds and Barry Thomas
WellingtonDame Patsy mingling
WellingtonNga Taonga trustee Lisa Bates speaks
WellingtonBetacam video tapes