Your search found 210 results
Two of the students at work
InternationalRobots being prepared for the big race
InternationalDame Cindy watching the race unfold
InternationalThe race unfolding
InternationalThe Island Council turou
InternationalDame Cindy with the Mayor of Aitutaki
InternationalDame Cindy receiving a gift from one of the students
InternationalOne of the students delivers a reading
InternationalSign for the Aitutaki Market
InternationalThe menu for the evening's dinner
InternationalHer Excellency Ms Tui Dewes addresses the gathering
InternationalDr Davies enjoying the evening's performances
InternationalPerformance by the Kahurangi Māori Dance Company
InternationalDame Cindy and Lady Tuaine Marsters
InternationalPerformance by the Kahurangi Māori Dance Company
InternationalDame Cindy and Dr Davies arriving at the school
InternationalOne of the students welcoming the official party
InternationalThe official party enjoying the students' singing
InternationalDame Cindy addressing the students
InternationalThe students dancing
InternationalDame Cindy dancing with the students
InternationalThe students dancing