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Dame Cindy with guests at the Fono
WellingtonMs Gatoloai Tilianamua Afamasaga speaks
WellingtonDame Cindy speaks
WellingtonOfficial photo
WellingtonRepresentatives at the Fono.
WellingtonThe Official Party at Pukeahu
WellingtonSir Wayne Shelford speaks
WellingtonGreeting Sir Wayne Shelford
WellingtonDame Cindy delivers her speech
WellingtonA bugler signals the two-minute silence
WellingtonSpeaking to members after the meeting
WellingtonHE Mr Garry Ramlee Haji Ibrahim
WellingtonHE Mr Muhanna Aba Alkhail and Dame Cindy
WellingtonDame Cindy meeting HE Ms Jana Tyrer