Your search found 2334 results
Dame Cindy arrives at Pukeahu
WellingtonDame Cindy with her kuia and kaumātua
WellingtonWith the Chief Justice
WellingtonWith the Official Party
WellingtonA view from the top
WellingtonAfter signing the Oath
WellingtonDame Cindy arrives at Parliament
WellingtonDame Patsy speaks
CanterburyFarid Ahmed speaks
CanterburySinging a waiata
CanterburyHearing the journeys of members
CanterburyAhmed Tani speaks
CanterburyGreeted on arrival
CanterburyStitching it all together
CanterburySome cuddly creations
CanterburyA tour of the workroom
CanterburyA closer inspection
CanterburyA garment hot off the press
CanterburyA tour of the inspiration room
CanterburyOfficial photo on arrival