Your search found 2334 results
Dame Patsy with Youth MPs and others
WellingtonDame Patsy with Youth MP Samuel Taylor
WellingtonTime for a group photo
WellingtonLeaving the Legislative Council Chamber
WellingtonDame Patsy speaks to the choir
WellingtonMembers of the choir in action
WellingtonSue Densem, NZSSC Music Director
WellingtonChecking out Saturn
CanterburyView from Mt John Observatory
CanterburyChatting with Sir Tipene O'Regan
CanterburyThe Victorian era Brashear Telescope
CanterburyAfter the ribbon cutting
CanterburyDame Patsy speaks
CanterburyMC David HIggins
CanterburyKaumatua Prof Piri Sciascia
CanterburyInside the Dark Sky Experience