A VIP (Very Important Pup) was welcomed to Government House this morning – Kiro, the guide dog in training. In June last year, Dame Cindy and Dr Davies visited the Blind Low Vision NZ’s breeding and training centre in Auckland, where Dame Cindy lent her name to a puppy in a new litter of potential guide dogs. Today, eight-month old Labrador Kiro and his Puppy Raisers, the Walkinshaw family, came to Government House to give an update on his progress.
Blind Low Vision NZ breeds around 100 potential guide dogs a year, with about 40 graduating as guide dogs to assist people living with blindness, low vision and those who are deafblind. Along with Kiro, the Walkinshaws have become Puppy Raisers for four pups, helping them on their important journey towards becoming service dogs for those in need. To learn more about Blind Low Vision NZ’s Guide Dog Service, head to their website: Blind Low Vision NZ Guide Dog Services.
For more photos, click this link: Call by Kiro the Guide Dog in Training.