Yesterday the Tuia 250-Encounters commemorations commenced in Gisborne. The commemorations celebrate the Polynesian voyaging tradition, the beginning of Polynesian settlement of Aotearoa, 750 years ago, and the meeting of Maori and Pakeha on land, when the crew of the Endeavour ventured ashore at Turanga (Gisborne) 250 years ago.
The crew of the waka were met by a large crowd, including a delegation from Tahiti and proceeded around the waterfront to be received in a pohiri.
Another haka pohiri and hakari followed at Te Poho o Rawiri Marae, where the Tahitian delegation was welcomed and performed.
A busy day concluded with a visit to the theatre to see the world premiere of Hapai Productions' Witi's Wahine, based on female characters in Witi Ihimaera's fiction. The performances by Mere Boynton, Roimata Fox, Ani-Piki Tuari, Ngapaki Moetara were outstanding, reflecting the sure hand of Nancy Brunning's direction.