Julie and Michael Dwyer, Wellington, QSM
For services to Māori and the community. Mrs & Mr Dwyer have contributed more than 30 years of service to the community of Porirua on a voluntary basis. They have been involved with Maraeroa Marae, Porirua’s urban marae, since 1979. The marae was established for Māori who had moved away from their home marae. It welcomes other ethnic groups and is widely used by the Pacific community. They have both held a variety of roles during 30 years of service to the marae’s executive. As the first Māori school dental nurse tutor, Mrs Dwyer was instrumental in establishing week-long learning courses at the marae for students and field nurses from all over the country. Mr Dwyer was the manager for Training Opportunities Programme from 1993-96, with responsibilities to staff and students for the Whakairo (carving), catering, and office skills courses. During the last 10 years Mr and Mrs Dwyer have overseen the day-to-day management and maintenance of the marae. Mrs & Mr Dwyer have also contributed many years of service to the New Zealand branch of the International Council of Folklore Festivals and Folk Lore Arts, with Mrs Dwyer serving as the branch’s inaugural secretary and Mr Dwyer serving as Vice-President, and managing Maraeroa Marae’s performances at international festivals during the 1980s and 1990s. Mrs Dwyer is the Secretary/Treasurer and Mr Dwyer the Chair for Te Roopu Tahiwi o Te Whanganui-a-Tara Kaumatua Group Trust.