Hana Romana Murray
Hana Romana Murray, of Kaiataia, received the Insignia of a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Māori and the community. Since being awarded the QSM in 1976, Mrs Romana Murray has been a leader in the recognition of the whanau to the hapu of Ngāti Kuri, the research pertaining to the mana of Ngāti Kuri, and the recognition of their tupuna. She has also been involved in Māori education, in particular supporting kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa. She has been involved with Treaty of Waitangi issues. She has also worked in partnership with the Department of Conservation on mana whenua issues. As a kuia, she participated in the land hikoi that promoted the preservation of tino rangatiratana and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. She has supported the development of Māori radio, television and archives tribal knowledge and histories.