Dr Simon Rowley, of Auckland, CNZM for services to paediatric and neonatal care
Dr Simon Rowley is a Specialist Neonatal Paediatrician who has been an essential part of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at National Women’s/Auckland City Hospital. He has led the care of those affected by neonatal abstinence syndrome and neonatal HIV. He was involved in producing the national guidelines on the ethical issues surrounding neonatal intensive care, and he wrote the local neonatal palliative care guidelines in Auckland. He co-authored ground-breaking academic research into the causes and avoidance of cot death. He volunteers for the Brainwave Trust as a board member, scientific advisor, and educator and volunteered weekly at Mt Roskill Plunket for more than 20 years. Dr Rowley is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and was a member of their Paediatrics and Child Health Division Education Committee.