Russell Feist, ONZM, Waikanae
For services to Māori. Mr Russell Feist is a barrister and solicitor who has worked with Ngāti Tūwharetoa on a wide range of matters affecting the Tribe and its Hapū for more than 45 years. He has been involved with a number of negotiations with the Government, including the vesting of the beds of Lake Rotoaira and the resumption of ownership of Māori title of Lake Taupo, and the development of land belonging to the tribe. His work has included cases in the Māori Land Court and legislation affecting Māori land. He has been an advisor to and assisted with the work of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board and the Tūwharetoa Paramountcy. He assisted with the establishment of the Federation of Māori Authorities and has been a regular contributor to their newsletters. Mr Feist was the Chair of the Commission of Inquiry into Motor Spirits Licensing and Retailing.