William Arcus, QSM, Wellington
For services to the community. Mr William Arcus has made a voluntary contribution to the community in tandem with his 45-year professional career as a chartered accountant and company director. He was Vice President, treasurer and board member of the New Zealand Society on Alcohol and Drug Dependence from 1973 to 1990. He is an honorary life member of the New Zealand Prisoners' Aid and Rehabilitation Society with a combined service of more than 25 years. He is the current Chair of the Masonic Villages Trust and the Vice President of the Wellington Collegians Cricket Club. He has provided services to many not-for-profit organisations and sporting clubs including being honorary auditor of the Khandallah Bowling Club for 10 years. Mr Arcus was a board member of the Wellington Opera Company and then New Zealand Opera from 1992 to 2000 and is a Justice of the Peace.