Investiture of Sir Derek Lardelli

He tipua, he taniwha, He tipua, he taniwha
Ngā uri o Paikea, Ngāti Konohi
Nōku te hōnore, te haere mai i tēnei ra
ki te whakanui i tēnei, o nga tohunga tama nō Te Tai Rawhiti.
I tohua ko koe, ngā kaumatua
ki te pupuri i o koutou matauranga,
hei painga mo nga whakatupuranga kei te haere mai.
Tēnā koe, Tēnā tātou katoa.
It is my great pleasure to come to Whāngārā today to preside at this investiture ceremony for Sir Derek Lardelli, in the presence of his whanau and honoured guests.
As Governor-General, I have the authority and privilege, on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of New Zealand, to hold Investitures for her and bestow Royal Honours – our nation’s highest honours – on individuals who have made exceptional contributions to our communities and to our nation.
It is one of the most important duties I perform as Governor-General, because it allows me to recognise and thank them on behalf of all New Zealanders, for helping to make Aotearoa New Zealand a better place to live.
Tā Derek, this is an especially proud moment for you and your whānau, for Ngāti Konohi, and for Ngāti Porou.
I am sure they will agree that this whakatauki describes your achievements perfectly:
He toi whakairo, he mana tangata.
You have excelled in so many diverse areas of toi Māori. With that mahi and with your leadership, you have enhanced the mana of all New Zealanders, and enriched our spiritual, physical and cultural wellbeing.
You have fulfilled the promise that your kaumatua saw in you and amply rewarded their confidence in passing on the whakapapa, karakia, whaikōrero and waiata that they shared with you, as well as their gifts of mātauranga Māori.
Generations of your students have been inspired to follow your lead, exploring and celebrating what it means to be a part of Aotearoa, living as kaitiaki of our natural world, mindful of our past, present and future.
Your knighthood acknowledges what you have achieved in reinvigorating and celebrating toi Māori – and your part in taking te ao Māori into the consciousness of the wider world.
On behalf of The Queen of New Zealand, and all New Zealanders, I congratulate you on your achievements and the Honour I will bestow upon you today, and I thank you most sincerely for your service to the people of Aotearoa.
Kia ora huihui tātou katoa.
Joe Harawira will now read the citation in Te Reo Māori, followed by Fleur Gaston, my Official Secretary, who will read the English translation.