Opening of the Cressy Wing at St George's Hospital
E nga mana, e nga reo, e nga iwi o te motu e huihui nei, tēnei aku mihi māhana ki a koutou. Kia ora

I specifically acknowledge:
Members of Parliament, Sarah Pallet and Duncan Webb
The Rt Reverend Dr Peter Carroll, Bishop of Christchurch
John Barr, President of the Society of St George's Hospital
Warren Bell, Chair of the Board of Directors
Members of the Board
Blair Roxborough, Chief Executive Officer
Carol Ferguson, Hospital Manager
and Christchurch City Councillors —tēnā koutou katoa.
Thank you for inviting David and me to the official opening of another fine addition to St George’s Hospital.
We’re very pleased to be able to come here today – given the uncertainties we’ve been experiencing during the last week in Wellington.
Health is of course at top of mind for all of us, and now, more than ever, New Zealanders are conscious of the additional pressures on health-care workers.
Your dedication and professionalism is deeply appreciated during these anxious times.
Having officially opened the Randolph Wing almost four years ago to the day, I am delighted to see the completion of the final building in St George’s current redevelopment programme.
It’s a pleasing milestone, and another indication that Canterbury’s regeneration is well on track, following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
St George’s is to be commended for taking the opportunity to not only replace what was lost, but also to take its services to another level of care, building on its proud kaupapa of investing in cutting-edge technology.
Patients, staff and visitors must be reassured to know that they are in buildings that far exceed the requirements of the building code.
And no doubt staff are enjoying working in brand new facilities, with access to new and better equipment.
I am looking forward to touring the various departments in the Cressy Wing, and learning more about the advances that have been made in terms of patient care.
I understand that the Maternity Centre has been in high demand from Canterbury women, with 284 babies delivered since it opened in late November last year.
It must be very satisfying for staff to be working in one of the most well-equipped private hospitals in Australasia – and to also be part of St George’s commitment to charitable work.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this new building programme. It must be very gratifying to have completed such a mammoth redevelopment to schedule and within budget – no mean feat when so much has been disrupted as a result of the pandemic.
I wish everyone associated with St George’s all the very best as you begin the next chapter in the hospital’s story.
I am delighted to now unveil this plaque and to declare the Cressy Wing officially open.