Ratana Pa Anniversary
Te Whare atu nei Tenakoe
Te Marae takoto nei tenakoe
E Nga morehu tena koutou
E nga mata haere haere haere
Tenakoe te kaihautu - kapai te korero
Tena korua nga kuia karanga - kapai te karanga roimata
Kia tau ki rangimarie
Tenakoutou nga koro nga kuia nga rangatira ma Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa
May I add respects upon the birthday of Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana a man whose life spanned being a farmer, a person of faith and healing and a contributor to public life.
There are three things that have amazed me reading about him. The first is the continuing story of him being quietly spoken and yet penetrating, being unassuming and yet a commanding figure, someone who had a mixture of simplicity and sophistication -who would undoubtedly have been wonderful to sit with and listen to.
The second is to reflect on the extent of his work in the interests of Maori people by travel so widely in New Zealand and overseas. To do that in the previous era of the 1920s and 30s was truly remarkable.
The third is the memory of his contribution to public life in New Zealand that has lasted for nearly 70 years, which has encouraged so many people to take up the challenge and sacrifice involved in advocating for others and which continues to attract people to come here to Ratana each year to foster the legacy.
I am happy to join those people of the past, and those here today in that tradition. Kia tau ki rangimarie. No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa.