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Your search found 5939 results
Filter search resultsMedia Advisory: Investiture ceremonies - 15, 16 and 17 April 2008
NewsIssue date:Investiture ceremonies - 1, 2 and 4 April 2008
NewsIssue date:Governor-General fractures ankle
NewsIssue date:Governor-General visits Dunedin
NewsIssue date:Childrens' Day celebrated at Government House
NewsIssue date:Governor-General visits Nelson College for Girls
NewsIssue date:Governor-General visits Australia
NewsIssue date:Royal Humane Society of New Zealand Awards
NewsIssue date:Envoys from Italy, Spain, Denmark and Cyprus present credentials
NewsIssue date:Media Advisory - Waitangi Day 2008
NewsIssue date:Statement on the death of Sir Edmund Hillary
NewsIssue date:The countdown to Childrens' Day 2008 begins
NewsIssue date:Envoys from Hungary, Estonia, Afghanistan and the Ukraine present credentials
NewsIssue date:Media Release - Governor-General visits the Far North
NewsIssue date:Media Advisory: State Welcome for the Head of State of Samoa
NewsIssue date:Governor-General congratulates Royal Couple on Anniversary
NewsIssue date:Media Advisory: State Welcome for the President of Uruguay
NewsIssue date:Swearing in of new Ministers of the Crown
NewsIssue date:Envoys from Cuba, Qatar, Kuwait and Austria present credentials
NewsIssue date:New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting
PublicationIssue date:Governor-General to open swing for children in wheelchairs
NewsIssue date:Media Advisory - Governor-General visits Timaru and Southland
NewsIssue date:Media Advisory - Envoys from Eritrea and Israel present credentials
NewsIssue date:Media Advisory - Governor-General visits Rotorua
NewsIssue date:Investiture ceremonies - 18, 19 and 20 September 2007
NewsIssue date:Samoan community reception
NewsIssue date:Envoy from Viet Nam to present his credentials
NewsIssue date:Investiture ceremonies - 30 August 2007
NewsIssue date:Investiture Ceremonies - 28 August 2007
NewsIssue date:Governor-General receives Queens' Service Order
NewsIssue date:Investitures - 28 and 30 August 2007
NewsIssue date:Governor-General to visit the Cook Islands
NewsIssue date: