Sister Cities NZ 40th Anniversary Reception
Dame Patsy hosted a reception for patronage organisation Sister Cities New Zealand, as they celebrated 40 years of global connection and diversity.
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Dame Patsy hosted a reception for patronage organisation Sister Cities New Zealand, as they celebrated 40 years of global connection and diversity.
Dame Patsy received the credentials of the new diplomatic envoys from Thailand and Turkey at Government House in Wellington. The Guard of Honour and Maori Cultural Group were supplied by the Royal New Zealand Navy.
Last night Dame Patsy and Sir David hosted Public Sector leaders, including Chief Executives of Government Ministries, Departments and agencies. She thanked them for their responsiveness over a particularly challenging year.
Today Dame Patsy and Sir David travelled to Manaia Marae on the Coromandel Peninsula, where Dame Patsy conferred the insignia of a knighthood on Justice Sir Joe Williams, the first Maori to be appointed as a judge in the Supreme Court.
Following on from the successful Auckland event, it was Government House Wellington's turn to host members of Sweet Louise for morning tea this week.
This morning, Dame Patsy had the privilege to welcome members to Government House Auckland for a special morning tea (extra special for one member, as it was her birthday!)
Dame Patsy took the Royal Salute and inspected the Guard of Honour at a Beat Retreat and Sunset Ceremony commemorating 175 years of the New Zealand Army at Pukeahu National War Memorial in Wellington this evening.
Dame Patsy broke out the McNeil tartan to attend the New Zealand Pipe Band Championships in Hastings this afternoon.
Today New Zealanders who served in Jayforce were honoured at their first National Commemoration at Pukeahu, and subsequently at an afternoon tea at Government House.
This afternoon Dame Patsy and Sir David hosted an afternoon tea for the member organisations of Community Networks Wellington who worked tirelesly to support others during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This morning the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Rt Hon Trevor Mallard came to Government House to present the Address in Reply.
The core role of the New Zealand Police in ensuring people are safe and feel safe is built on a core set of values:
This afternoon a National Remembrance Service - Ko Tātou, Tātou, We Are One - was held in Christchurch to honour those killed and injured in the Christchurch mosque terror attack two years ago.
Inzone boarders live close by to Government House Auckland and today's afternoon tea for senior students was a great opportunity to hear about the wonderful opportunities the programme offers to Maori and Pasifika students to access education and&n
Despite the demands placed on the leadership of public and private sector leaders in the Aotearoa Circle, they have continued their vital work to transform the way New Zealanders live their lives and do business, with the goal of creating
Congratulations to the three Sir George Elliot Tertiary Scholarship winners who were officially acknowledged at Government House in Auckland this morning.
Congratulations to the Graeme Dingle Foundation who celebrated 25 years of empowering our tamariki and rangatahi to have the bright futures they deserve.
Dame Patsy and Sir David visited the Auckland Art Fair this morning.
Today Dame Patsy went to Christchurch to attend the ceremony marking the tenth anniversary of the earthquake that wrought massive destruction in Christchurch and the Canterbury region. The assembled crowd honoured the memory of the 1
At the wharf at Oban, there was a quick check of our luggage by ace rat-detecting dog, Detector Gadget before we boarded the Department of Conservation vessel taking us to Ulva Island, a predator-free sanctuary for endangered flora and fauna.
The visit to Riverton had particular significance as Dame Patsy had recently learned of the slight to the community by Governor James Fergusson in 1874.
Day two of the visit to Southland began at the Eastern Southland Gallery in Gore, home of the extraordinary John Money Collection of African sculptures, Aboriginal paintings and objects, and works by Rita Angus.
Due to the restrictions on gatherings under Alert Level Two, a scheduled powhiri for Dame Patsy and Sir David at Te Rau Aroha marae in Bluff was cancelled and will be re-scheduled at a later date.
This evening Dame Patsy hosted a reception for Dress for Success, which works to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing professional work clothing, career development tools and a support network.
Despite the blustery weather at Karori Cricket Club, it was a great afternoon for the annual Governor-General’s XI v NZ Māori Schools cricket match. This year, the captains presented Dame Patsy with signed cricket bats as a memento of the day.
This morning Dame Patsy hosted a high tea in the ballroom at Government House in Wellington to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Mary Potter Hospice Camellia Heritage Club.
This year's Waitangi Day Garden Reception was smaller than in other years, but certainly made up for it in terms of a warm sense of community and fellowship.
For the final event during her visit to Waitangi, Dame Patsy inspected the Guard of Honour at the 2021 Beat Retreat Sunset ceremony, hosted by the Royal New Zealand Navy. She was greeted on arrival by Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral David Proctor.
Dame Patsy and Sir David began their final day at Waitangi by attending a meeting of the Waitangi National Trust Board. While they were there they were able to have a quick viewing of the He Kaupapa Waka exhibition.
On February 4, Dame Patsy was welcomed on to Te Whare Rūnanga at Waitangi Treaty Grounds for the final time as Governor-General. She was greeted with a stirring pōwhiri while being guided to the mahau by Titewhai Harawira.
This evening Dame Patsy was welcomed aboard the HMNZS Otago for a reception as part of the Waitangi celebrations in Northland. She was greeted on arrival by part of the ship’s company and saw a performance from the Navy’s kapa haka group.
On the 3rd of February Dame Patsy attended the unveiling ceremony of a memorial for the 12 British soldiers, sailors and Royal Marines killed at the Battle of Te Ruapekapeka in 1846.