Politician Dame Fran Wilde; state sector and business leader Sir Brian Roche; movie producers Barrie Osborne and Finola Dwyer; actress Rima Te Wiata; Paralympians Liam Malone and Kate Horan and Maori sculptor Professor Robert Jahnke are amongst the people whose achievements will be celebrated at investiture ceremonies at Government House in Wellington next week.
The ceremonies will also recognise five New Zealanders for acts of bravery.
The Governor-General, The Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy, and Sir David Gascoigne, will host six ceremonies at Government House Wellington on Tuesday 23 May (10am and 2.30pm), Wednesday 24 May (10am), Thursday 25 May (10am and 2.30pm) and Friday 26 May (10am).
Tuesday 23 May - 10.00am
- The Honourable John Luxton, of Wellington, CNZM, for services to the dairy industry
- Mr Joel Bolton, of Nelson, QSO, for services to music
- Mr Roger Bridge, of Christchurch, ONZM, for services to business and philanthropy
- Mr Charles Crofts of Christchurch, ONZM, for services to Maori
- Professor Donald McRae, of Ottawa, ONZM, for services to the State and international law
- Ms Tihi Nobel, of Hawera, ONZM, for services to Maori
- Mr Barrie Osborne, of Mill Valley, California, ONZM, for services to the film industry
- Ms Vanessa van Uden, of Queenstown, ONZM, for services to local government
- Dr Pushpa Wood, of Wellington, ONZM, for services to financial literacy and interfaith relations
- Dr Stuart Brown, of Hamilton, MNZM, for services to children's health
- Mr Derek Doddington, of Christchurch, MNZM, for services to theatre
- Ms Karen Fifield, of Wellington, MNZM, for services to business and animal welfare
- Senior Constable Sue Guy, of Napier, MNZM, for services to the New Zealand Police and youth
- Sergeant Su Robinson, of Hastings, MNZM, for services to the New Zealand Police and youth
- Dr William Randall, of Auckland, MNZM, for services to museum governance
- Mr Chris Foot, of Dunedin, NZBD, for an act of exceptional bravery in a situation of danger
- Senior Constable Blair Spalding, of Hamilton, NZBD, for an act of exceptional bravery in a situation of danger
- Constable Ben Turner, NZBD, of Hamilton for an act of exceptional bravery in a situation of danger
- Constable Chris McDowell, NZBM, of Drury, for an act of bravery
- Mr Bryan Barker, of Morrinsville, QSM, for services to the community
- Mrs Kerri Graham, of Lower Hutt, QSM, for services to youth
- Mr Bruce Johnston, of Wellington, QSM, for services to Scouting and the community
- Mr George Ngatai, of Auckland, QSM, for services to Maori and the community
- Ms Barbara Stewart, of Rotorua, QSM, for services to youth and education
Tuesday 23 May – 02.30pm
- Sir Brian Roche, of Wellington, KNZM, for services to the State and business
- The Honourable Patrick Keane, of Auckland, CNZM for services to the judiciary
- Mr Richard Aitken, of Auckland, ONZM, for services to business and engineering
- Ms Vi Cottrell, of Kaiapoi, ONZM, for services to Trade Aid and the Fair Trade movement
- Mr Peter Diessl, of Wellington, ONZM, for services to music and philanthropy
- Ms Jenny Gill, of Auckland, ONZM, for services to philanthropy
- Ms Kate Russell, of Christchurch, ONZM, for services to health and governance
- Mrs Adrienne Staples, of Featherston, ONZM, for services to local government
- Mr Geoff Thorpe, of Gisborne, ONZM, for services to the wine industry
- Mr Ross Brown, of Taupo, MNZM, for services to education
- Mr Phil Burrows, of Melbourne, Australia, MNZM, for services to hockey
- Mr Murray Chandler, of Auckland, MNZM, for services to chess
- Ms Bernadette Hall, of Amberley, MNZM, for services to literature
- Ms Lou James, of Auckland, MNZM, for services to people with cancer
- Ms Lyn Lim, of Auckland, MNZM, for services to New Zealand-Asia relations and governance
- Dr Donald McDonald, of Havelock North, MNZM, for services to rowing
- Mrs Janet Affleck, of Gore, QSM, for services as an Ambulance Officer
- Mr Vic Claude, of Christchurch, QSM, for services to the care of children
- The Late Ms Lois Livingston, of Hamilton, QSM, for services to local government and the arts
- Mr Tom Roper, of Tauranga, QSM, for services to the community
- Lady Margaret Spring, of Matamata, QSM, for services to governance and health
- Mr Gilbert Timms, of Palmerston North, QSM, for services to agriculture and the community
- Mr John Webster, of Oamaru, QSM, for services to irrigation and the community
Wednesday 24 May – 10.00am
- Emeritus Professor John Burrows, of Christchurch, CNZM, for services to the State
- Mr Alastair Bisley, of Wellington ,QSO, for services to the State
- Mr Kelvin Coe, of Leeston, ONZM, for services to local government
- Mrs Rae Duff, of Wellington, ONZM, for services to women and education
- Professor Robert Jahnke, of Palmerston North, ONZM, for services to Maori art and education
- Mr Simon Perry, of Hamilton, ONZM, for services to sport and philanthropy
- Ms Libby Robins, Dunsandel, ONZM, for services to children's welfare
- Mrs Gaylene Sciascia, of Porirua, ONZM, for services to dance
- Mr Bruce Stewart, of Milton, ONZM, for services to the community and the construction industry
- Dr Paula Green, of Auckland, MNZM, for services as a poet and to literature
- Lieutenant Colonel Peter Hall, of New York, MNZM, for services to the New Zealand Defence Force
- Ms Benesia Smith, of Christchurch, MNZM, for services to the State
- Ms Rima Te Wiata, of Auckland, MNZM, for services to film and television
- Mr Basil Brooker, of Hastings, QSM, for services to music
- Mrs Alice Doorbar, of Waitara, QSM, for services to health and Maori
- Mr Kevin Geddes, of Ashburton, QSM, for services to agriculture and the community
- Mr David Hosking, of Te Kauwhata, QSM, for services to the community
- Mrs Sandra Ibbotson, of Napier, QSM, for services to the community
- Mrs Lynn Lamb, of Masterton, QSM, for services to equestrian sport
- Ms Helen Willberg, of Lower Hutt, QSM, for services to music
- Major Graham Hickman, of Burnham, DSD, for services to the New Zealand Defence Force and brass bands
- Corporal Ewen Vanner, DSD, for services to the New Zealand Defence Force
Thursday 25 May – 10.00am
- Mr David Howman, of Wellington, CNZM, for services to sport
- Mr John Fiso, of Wellington, ONZM, for services to sport, education and the Pacific community
- Ms Justine Kidd, of Takapau, ONZM, for services to the dairy industry and equestrian sport
- Mr Peter Kiely, of Auckland, ONZM, for services to New Zealand's interests in the Pacific and the law
- Mr Ross Paterson, of Tauranga, ONZM, for services to local government
- Mr Keith Taylor, of Wellington, ONZM, for services to the State
- Mrs Anne Wilkinson, of Hamilton, ONZM, for services to people with disabilities
- Ms Raylene Bates, of Mosgiel, MNZM, for services to sport, particularly athletics
- Ms Caroline Herewini, of Porirua, MNZM, for services to women
- Mrs Robyn Hickman, of Invercargill, MNZM, for services to education
- Mr John Howat, of Lower Hutt, MNZM, for services to shooting sports
- Mr Liam Malone, of Nelson, MNZM, for services to athletics
- Professor Keith Thompson, of Feilding, MNZM, for services to veterinary pathology
- Mr Carl Jennings, of Sydney, NZBM, for an act of bravery
- Ms Mary-Anne Crawford, of Tolaga Bay, QSM, for services to the community
- Mr Maurice Doughty, of Mangawhai, QSM, for services to the New Zealand Fire Service
- Mr Warren Feek, of Matamata, QSM, for services to the New Zealand Fire Service
- Mr James Jefferies, of Palmerston North, QSM, for services to local government, theatre and business
- Mr Paul Lyall, of Levin, QSM, for services to the New Zealand Fire Service
- Mrs Karen May, of Cambridge, QSM, for services to the community
- Mr John May, of Lower Hutt, QSM, for services to the New Zealand Fire Service and the community
- Mr Frank McGuire, of Blackball, QSM, for services to the New Zealand Fire Service
- Mrs Rosemary McKay, of Levin, QSM, for services to athletics and the community
- Mrs Doreen Tucker, of Dunedin, QSM, for services to netball
Thursday 25 May – 02.30pm
- Mr Richard McElrea, of Christchurch, QSO, for services as a coroner and to Antarctic heritage
- Ms Naomi Ballantyne, of Auckland, ONZM, for services to the insurance industry
- Mr Stuart Crosby, of Papamoa, ONZM, for services to local government
- Mr Peter Garden, of Wanaka, ONZM, for services to aviation and conservation
- Mr Robin Murphy, of Waimate, ONZM, for services to land and water management
- Ms Linda Penno, of Christchurch, ONZM, for services to women's health and reproductive rights
- Mr Alistair Sowman, of Blenheim, ONZM, for services to local government
- Mrs Kay Baxter, of Wairoa, MNZM, for services to conservation and sustainable food production
- Ms Marion Blake, of Wellington, MNZM, for services to people with mental health and addiction issues
- Mrs Hayley Bowden, of Auckland, MNZM, for services to football
- Professor Phillip Mann, of Wellington, MNZM, for services to literature and drama
- Mr Owen Pickles, of Waitangi, Chatham Islands, MNZM, for services to local government
- Mrs Kiri Gray, of Cambridge, QSM, for services to the community
- Dr Siu Kai Haslam, of Levin, QSM, for services to the Chinese community and horticulture
- Dr Paul Kay, of Te Awamutu, QSM, for services to polo
- Mr Murray Loewenthal, of Otorohanga, QSM, for services to health and the community
- Mrs Shirley Miles, of Nelson, QSM, for services to charity fundraising
- Ms Frances Randle, of Taihape, QSM, for services to senior citizens and the community
- Ms Rosemary Scully, of Dunedin, QSM, for services to people with intellectual disabilities
- Mr Alan Trott, of Ashburton, QSM, for services to horticulture
- Mr Eric Weir, of Waverley, QSM, for services to the community
Friday 26 May – 10.00am
- The Honourable Fran Wilde, of Wellington, DNZM, for services to the State and the community
- The Honourable Marion Frater, of Wellington, CNZM, for services to the judiciary
- Mr Iain Rennie, of Eastbourne, CNZM, for services to the State
- Ms Celia Wade-Brown, of Wellington, QSO, for services to local government
- Ms Finola Dwyer, of London, ONZM, for services to the film industry
- Mr Roland Ellis, of Dannevirke, ONZM, for services to local government
- Mr John Harrington, of Christchurch, ONZM, for services to youth
- Mr Durham Havill, of Hokitika, ONZM, for services to local government, business and the community
- Ms Annette Main, of Whanganui, ONZM, for services to local government
- Mr Laurie Paterson, of Gore, ONZM, for services to the beef industry
- Ms Alison Ballance, of Wellington, MNZM, for services to natural history, filmmaking and broadcasting
- Mr Lyall Daines, of Blenheim, MNZM, for services to rugby
- Ms Anna Grimaldi, of Dunedin, MNZM, for services to athletics
- Miss Kate Horan, of Wellington, MNZM, for services to Paralympic sport
- Mr Hewitt Humphrey, of Wellington, MNZM, for services as a broadcaster and to the community
- Mr Terry Parkes, of New Plymouth, MNZM, for services to the arts, business and the community
- Ms Liz Sinclair, of Waikanae, MNZM, for services to the State
- Mr Des Smith, of Dunedin, MNZM, for services to rugby and the community
- Mr Maurice Takarangi, of Palmerston North, MNZM, for services to Maori
- Mrs Nicky Christie, of Wellington, QSM, for services to the Greek community
- Mrs Ngaire Duke, of Dunedin, QSM, for services to the community
- Mr Geoff Harrow, of Christchurch, QSM, for services to mountaineering and conservation
- Mrs Dorothy-Anne Wilson, of Opotiki, QSM, for services to the arts and the community
- Mr Peter Yarrell, of Picton, QSM, for services to sport